Hi all,
Two weeks away & why the silence? Lots of reasons I suppose.
- I did not access the Internet for the entire week post-work & pre-homecoming. It was great. We were sent off several times in style from friends & family in Lusaka
-And here we are one week into our return to the Motherland. What have we been doing to keep ourselves so busy? Adjusting to the cold (ha ha). Lots of sleeping, and surprisingly, lots of business. We've been to offices all over the city replacing drivers licenses, attaining Alvin's new Albertan paperwork, and even dropping off a few resumes. I have been to the library, read one of the books I borrowed & smile to think I've got countless books at my fingertips! My parents have hosted several dinners and we're feeling positive about everything. And I do have my school obligations at the back of my mind; nagging like a guilty conscience.
-After the Easter weekend in Saskatoon with my dear Gran we are set to have more structured next week. We need to start exercising*ha ha ha*
Happy Easter/ long weekend to all- here are a few snaps for my faithful readers (I've been fairly undecided on what I should do with my blog now that I'm back home...but Aunt Nada insisted I post something up here...so we'll see if I can shake the bloggers bloc I've been experiencing since being back home)
The girls from work took me out for lunch & it was such a great reminder about how many amazing friends I've made over the years in Lusaka.

Our dear Gabby. We had to get a photo because I'd had my hair done that day*tihi*

What would have been more appropriate than a farewell braai at the farm? We had a lovely afternoon with the family- lots of food, singing, laughing & dancing.
Alvin's whole family was up dancing to "kakabalika" - a song they chose to bid us farewell- saying that the sun shall shine everywhere. It was beautiful.

Baby Mutale with me & my mother-in-law

Jackie, Bwembya & Ethel

Me with aunt Josie & Danny

Grandma & Aunt Jose

We laughed at Danny & a crying Mutale

If there's one thing I'll likely get sentimental about- it'll be this team. I will miss "my boys", my co-coaches, and the wonderful guys at the Youth Basketball League.