Hard to believe Guy Fawkes night has passed & we're on to Remembrance Day already...I've been meaning to post a couple of November stories that have had me and Alvin laughing.
Friday's dress- I was thinking of a former colleague who shared a love for "Friday's dresses" with me. For those of you unfamiliar with the term it is the dress that one slips on when all other clothes are dirty, un-ironed, or missing a matching piece (this can take place any day of the week...not just Friday's). It's the article of clothing that takes no forethought- there's no worrying about matching shoes or accessories because it's a standard slip-on outfit...and how I miss those summer dresses. Each day I wake up & think "trousers again-bah". I laugh as I realize I'm mourning the simpleness of dress in Lusaka- open toed heels, flowy fabrics & scarves on days with a breeze. hmmmm. It's currenly -6 degrees Celsius *Muhahaha*
Stinky feet- A confession- I'm having a problem with terribly stinky feet. I suspect it's a combination of having to wear closed shoes all the time and nylons. Any recommendations- no amount of baby powder has helped thus far? I long for pata-patas/ flip flops*pouty face*
Of all things to miss in Zambia...I'm missing NASDEC- Alvin & I trotted off for a Friday night day to catch the UofA basketball teams home-openers. En route Al mentioned how he hoped the fans would be more supportive of the home team than his experience at NAIT (where apparently there is not too much 'hurrah-ing' for the Ooks- could it be the name?) He said he wanted to head into a gym where we'd get that 'NASDEC' feel. I laughed. For those of you who visited us in Lusaka you undoubtedly were forced to visit the home of the Zambia basketball association. I spent many an hour playing, coaching & watching basketball there. The facility is basic (we're talking no air-con, ancient wooden bleachers, floorboards that have holes here & there, chalk scoreboards to back up the electric system which inevitably will not work during the rainy season- you get the picture)- but the experience. There's nothing really like it. Friends all around - sober or drinking- stand up & celebrate any basketball play that they enjoyed (in a women's or men's game- neck-in-neck or blow-out- it doesn't matter), or heckle the ref for a bad call, or if a hot club tune plays s/he'll get up dancing. As I sat huddled near to my hubby for warmth in the UofA stands we couldn't help but notice the glaring differences between our cultures. We also recognize how fortunate we are to be able to experience both worlds.
Visions of cockroaches: I've been giggling to myself the days when I come into the main condo entrance and see a brown crusty item that instinct tells me must be a cockroach. Then I realize where I am and that the cockroach is actually dried leaves, a clump of dirt or some other form of discarded brown-ish item. In every instance it's always a sigh of relief for me