The father of the child was also pulled into the festivities…they were asked to wear diapers & pretty much look ridiculous while guests were allowed to ask various questions. For each question they answered wrong (or differently) they were painted with make-up or dashed with baby powder.
Sweet Vicki brought her beautiful baby Ndinawe & I can’t believe how much she’s changed in the past few months.
It was a beautiful day, and now it’s back to the grind...
Wonderful set of pictures. I hope you are enjoying the rains. I can almost smell the Zambian rain. I would sit and watch it and listen to it bouncing off the earth for ages. It doesn't have the same effect on me now that I live in Scotland and it rains every other day, no matter what time of the year it is.
Thanks Dave! It's actually been quite dry in Lusaka until recently. I'm still waiting to enjoy a good storm- I do love when it pours at night & the morning is fresh and cool. Right now it's that awful humid, sticky, thick heat (& being born & raised in Edmonton's desert-like clime sure makes humidity tough for me). I don't envy you this time of year in Scotland though...
Thanks again for checking in!
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