January 2008 saw our trip to New Delhi for Alvin’s ACL repair.
January 2009 Alvin & I were married- we had lots of family & friends around this time last year
And not to disappoint, January 2010 has brought news that Alvin & I will be shipping off back to my motherland in a couple of months. It will be very hard to leave Lusaka (that’s an understatement but what else can I say without getting all sentimental); it’s been my home for over five years- but different opportunities are knocking at our door & we can’t turn down a couple of years back in Edmonton. For now, we’re focussing on all the positives, but as departure time draws nearer I’m sure there’ll be a couple of posts describing what we’ll miss.
For today I thought I’d post photos:
First, the basketball cemetery- ooooooh, I’m so glad Alinafe was with me when I saw the court because my misery turned into laughter when he saw the expression on my face. It will be resolved…
Second, it was my first wedding anniversary yesterday so I made a little shrine to celebrate. It has been a heck of a year for us…we’ll be so grateful for plenty more years together!
Third, I’ve taken Clara’s suggestion to take some more video clips. Saturday was a heck of a basketball day. Alvin’s team beat out the Copperbelt team in an overtime duel to make it to the National Championships. Alvin’s team- Napsa Hurricanes with face the spry University of Zambia team- the Pacers. It’s a best of three series set to start next weekend- if these videos don’t give you a feel for the game I’ll try again next weekend. Fun fun!
In this video the good guys (blue) are trying to run down the clock because they’ve got the lead.
Here, the videographer forgot her job entirely; as Napsa fumbled to tie up the match the camera inched it’s way down down down…cracked me up- not sure the effect will translate? Let me know- I hate when my blog reads “0 comments”*wink*