Monday, January 11, 2010

Laughing out loud

What's more fun than sitting in your office laughing out loud? I must confess a couple of these comics have circulated the office & I love hearing colleagues chuckling at how close (or how far) our own experiences are in the challenging world of work. Whoever is responsible for creating
"Dilbert" should be awarded for minimizing workplace stress. Oy oy

I especially love this one!

Otherwise there's not too much report:

- I bought ridiculously expensive floss last night- $6- imagine! But it's nice & minty & I love it
- Alvin's team won their quarter final basketball game on Saturday so they will be progressing to the next level in Zambia's National Championships
- I'm on Book # 6 Harry Potter*grin*
- I tried my first ever "Zumba" class last week. Me + aerobics + dance = pure comedy. Can't wait til I can attend again!

I do believe I'm enjoying a couple of more days in the calm before the storm...

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