Good excuses? I'm at the homestretch with school. I'm desperately trying to keep my head above water as my last course is run in 5 weeks instead of the regular 11 weeks. Exams are around the corner so my anti-social behaviour will only be temporary.
The much more exciting piece of news is that Alvin & I are on our own again! We're renting a little one bedroom condo that's less than 1km from the bus depot (Al will be commuting to NAIT starting tomorrow) & should be about a 5km bike ride to work for me. I'm looking forward to active commuting...except for the cold weather! My folks have gone over & about the call of duty (& have probably spent more time in the condo then we have)- they've painted, scrubbed, donated & ensured a smooth transition. Guess they were ready to have their basement back*grin*
The new digs
Last weekend we attended Anna & Dan's beautiful wedding- I got to be social for an evening & had a wonderful time.
The new couple!
There were about 4 of us "Reckies" from Uni- it was lovely. Ry & the beautiful bride.