Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A close call

Yesterday I felt like I defied fate. I seemed destined for a head-on collision with another cyclist (who trusted his brakes less than I trust mine)*giggling*. We each managed to slow and turn just enough to eke out a passing route of inches. I was indignant, it was not my fault; I am very aware of when I am in the wrong, because I’m still getting used to the rules of the road here (& the fact that we drive on the left-hand side of the road).

Number one rule of the road (ok, the only rule of the road): the person driving the biggest vehicle has the right-of-way. Read: I’m on a bike; I’m n-o-b-o-d-y. I learnt that this morning…I did not feel like yielding to the gentlemen in the fancy little Toyota because I was driving straight & he was turning. I figure he had to prove his superiority in driving a car because nearly every other vehicle in Lusaka is bigger than his, so he must take his hits where he can; mzungu on the bike must yield or crash.

Confession: I love the bike despite the hard Lusaka road rules…

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