Friday, May 22, 2009

Trouble-shooting Friday

The water disaster lives on. Gah. For the past few days we’ve had a problem with our hot water tank (when the Lusaka Water people put in our separate metre they apparently did not re-attach the supply to our hot water tank properly). That resulted in a number of baths where the warm water would not even cover my thighs, which led to washing my hair under the cold water tap. Boo. (Especially since it’s getting to be cold season here & the evenings and mornings are frigid). Finally Alvin convinced the Lusaka Water guy to come back & resolve the situation. What do I find on Wednesday? A hot water tank that is overflowing. Imagine. They start charging us by consumption and then ensure that water is being wasted. Of course we couldn’t let that situation persist for a few days, so Alvin sourced another plumber guy to fix the connection between hot water tank & regular water supply. Last night was heaven- a full steamy hot bath*sigh*. Only to wake up this morning with NO hot water. Turns out the guy stopped the leaking but left us with only that tank of hot water. Cheers to boiling water on the stove this morning and bathing in a bucket. Oooh the hardships…& Friday no less.
The funny bit- one of my girlfriends who I met in Lusaka is now living back in Canada & I was explaining to her about our water fiascoes. She simply said “You know, those are the things you miss when you live in Canada”.
This morning I’m thinking “Right, girl- just like a toothache”.

The good news is that it’s a Friday leading to a long weekend- Happy Africa Freedom Day!!

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