Other tidbits that may be of general interest now that I’m not spending most of my evenings studying
- I finally got my grubby hands on Dambisa Moyo’s acclaimed book Dead Aid. Good read, pertinent to my work with CIDA, and only a few times I caught myself saying “Ok, that’s a bit of a stretch”; I think it would be good “Development 101” material. It does support my recent desire to go corporate though, hopefully as soon as this fiscal year is over…fingers crossed.
- My outdoor yoga class continues to challenge & stimulate. I was thinking I should take some photos- it’s a rather romantic setting, especially when hanging upside-down when the sun is setting*grin*
- There is a fuel crisis in Zambia- has been for a couple of weeks now- so I am spending more time walking/ cycling than I had in the previous months. It’s been lovely. And the iPod has become ‘well-used’ (I may have mentioned to a few of you that I don’t think some of these toys are made to withstand Zambian heat- the earphones have been melting & the cool running band that Tommy bought for me is quickly losing the Velcro)…but the music still plays so all’s golden.
- My hubby is now busy studying for exams, thus all the photos of me with the girlfriends. Surely when he’s done we’ll throw a small co-ed party
- I’ve indulged in my first mangoes of the season- sorry Carly!!! Deeelicious
And my fave Dilbert comics. Does any body else find them as amusing as I do? Perhaps I should stop posting them, but they make me giggle & then I want to share them*sigh*
Hmm. Perhaps there’s not too much that’s interesting- signing off.

I LOVE rhubarb! haha, laughed when I saw your title!! My footy team is called Rabarbaro de Crumble (in half Italian to represent the lads on our team ;) Everyone makes fun of me for eating so much of it, I quite literally eat a whole crumble to myself each week, and if not, then rhubarb loaf, delicious!! I'm sure we've made one together some time!! in the UK, maybe?? xuxu
never apologize for mangoes, Sarah. never. :) at least local rhubarb is an option for me.
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