Here goes (keep your fingers crossed that the electricity doesn't cut as I'm about to hit "publish"). Zambia- I love it!!
Sultry summer daze
After a long cold season, the heat is back. I was trying to think of good descriptors -for the heat- during my afternoon walk…I didn’t come up with any keepers. The intensity of the sun is incredible, then all round there are colours- bright petals of the bougainvillea (hot red or a screaming orange), the greens of the banana trees colliding with the clear blue Zambian sky. What did make me giggle was the relief from a breeze (not a cool breeze, just a slight shuffling of hot air). I was watching for movements in the trees- the breeze is so slight, that the petals of the flowers move, or the leaves on the trees- not the branches themselves. And that barely perceptible ‘breeze’ nearly made me cry out in bliss.
(The next day I was heel toe-ing it to the pool. The heat was yet again intense. This time I noticed the slight breeze moved the soft hairs on my back & arms; who thought it possible to feel such a cooling effect only from the shifting of hair?)
I was so wired today. I rode the bike over to the Youth Basketball League games this morning. I’ve been to chicken to cycle what with all the traffic, potholes, & other cyclists. I think I fared rather well, despite the fact that I don’t really trust the brakes. And the gears have this bad habit of randomly changing. By the time I made it home in the midday sun, I was dripping with sweat. Kolo suggested swimming earlier, which I declined as I had made running plans with some other friends. As soon as I reached my doorstep (I didn’t even put the bike away or unlock the door), I called Kolo & asked where & when we should meet to swim.
It turned out the be a lovely afternoon- it was great to have some chill time with Kupela before she heads off to the UK to study for her Masters degree. Aren't we a lovely group?!
Kupela, pregnant Vicki & Kolo
This is Kupela/ Shakira:-)
Kolo and me chillin
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