I learnt on the weekend that the cat’s out of the bag. Let me explain: Saturday evening I went to watch Alvin’s former basketball team play, and found most of my BSA boys still at the courts. So I sat up with them giggling and joking and making predictions for the game. Then Chichi (one of the boys who has started training with a team in the ZBA, so I suppose he’s a former boy) had mentioned some random story about me. I looked at him completely blank. Then he admitted that he’d come across my blog whilst Googling some information on Zambian basketball. HORRORS! I’ve written stuff up here about drinking etc…I considered editing…but then that would take away from the real me. So Chichi, if you’re reading this: you’re too young to drink! I’ll have to be even more sure of my Zambian facts now too*wicked smile*. It’s also funny to see how random the whole concept of a blog was to him & a couple other boys’. I tried to explain that it’s the best way for me to stay in touch with so many friends back home & scattered around the world- I’m not sure if they thought that was an acceptable reason, but I’ll continue anyway!
As promised photos of the visit with Claire & Kelvin (they’re trundled off to the Copperbelt for a few days), but we’ll look forward to a few more days together before they head back to Namibia & Canada respectively.

We had a beautiful day at the pool last weekend

Swimming & beers (well, at least beers for the girls)!
Mojitos! This was Saturday afternoon's bit of heaven. (I think the last mojito I had was in Havana Cuba & I didn't like it)...shame- it couldn't have tasted better than on Saturday:-)

It was also Kolo's birthday on the weekend. We went out for a delicious meal at one of Lusaka's finest restaurants to celebrate (it was also a 'farewell dinner' of sorts to Christine & Emily). Here's Kolo at her finest:-)
1 comment:
I like Kel's sunglasses. I think they look familiar.....
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