I told myself I would take photos this weekend of my "graduation party". But Alvin only took one photo on his phone so if we can get it off I'll post it here. A sincere thanks to Ry & Krysta for co-hosting a party for me. I usually wouldn't flaunt my achievements so loudly but someone once told me that it is worth marking some of the accomplishments that you've been committed to...so seeing that I couldn't afford to be at my real convocation in London, England- Ry & Krysta got a few good friends together & I've been able to feel good about the completion of my Masters- & now on to other challenges*smile*
Of other interest I have acquired a hammock. I happened to mention how I would love to have a hammock one day- honestly, how luxurious is it to be able to recline in the sun with a good book? Gin & tonic within reach... Funny enough the sweet bus driver who takes me & a couple Jamaican ladies to work every morning decided that she would give hers to me. Apparently she never uses it- how hilarious is that? I may not be able to hang it off my balcony (condo rules)- so I may have to ask Tom & Dev for some yard space*giggling*. I love random incidents like that. These are the small things that remind me to be thankful for being just where I am right now. (It's easy to be nostalgic for Zambia with all this snow...)
Thanks for the photo Pop.

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