We happily linked up with our Zambian friend Kelvin (who has lived in Canada for the past year). There was much to catch up on, & plenty of basketball to play!

I took a lesson from my dear Gran on how to make her veranike. I thought I had mastered the perogy-making methods on my Lusaka countertops…however, Gran provided me with some short-cuts & some good ideas! It’s always fun spending time in the kitchen with Gran though she must never have cooked with measuring cups…
The all-American game of baseball…we had a great time with my folks & the Haley’s at Edmonton’s Cracker Cats game. Astoundingly, they won (though I must admit we didn’t stay until the end of the game…I was ready to go after the 7th- or is it 9th? inning stretch)*giggling*.
Folk Fest, as always, is a highlight of Edmonton summers. Family had come up from Seattle & I got to catch up with my friends, & some of “Tom’s” friends. I think it may have been folk overload for Alvin though…in fact, four days has become too much for me!
This guy had us in stitches...he must've been Scottish in a past life. You know how they always joke about what's under the kilt...YIPE!
Four strong in the beer tent*wicked smile*
This was a great night. Like old days, surrounded by good friends, too much booze, & too much laughter. I'd like to point out two things in this photo: first, that tantalizing plate of nachos (someone was quick to get the photo because they didn't last minutes). Second, those wine glasses. Wine tasted better from that glass...I wonder if I could find something similar in Zed...
Again, it was so great to be surrounded by so many loving people! I was hoping to catch up with the Ottawa clan in September, but unfortunately I will not attend training in Ottawa this fall. I suppose the next trip will be equally as busy*smile*. Please don’t be offended if you didn’t make my blogspot…I kicked myself on several different occasions for having left my camera at home. Plenty of memories are residing safely upstairs though- so thanks to everyone once more.
1 comment:
Is verrrry nice that you chose that pic of me in the beer gardens. But how can I even pretend to be offended? And thanks for the props on the wine glasses. Me and Dev bought those for mom's b-day. And you know how I am the lucky one who gets to sign my name on the card. Devyn bought them. (You'll notice I can even take shots at me)
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