Thursday, January 17, 2008

Christmas Bonus

2007 proved the first year that I've ever received a Christmas Bonus. I remember watching my brother longingly when he came home with an envelope of cash during the Christmas season. No such generosity with the companies for which I worked:-(

Now, many of my friends say I'm good with money (Tom would say 'frugal', Pop would say 'stingy') so I decided I would "blow" my Christmas bonus.

I'll be traveling to NEW DELHI INDIA this Monday. Imagine. It's all a little crazy, it seems last minute but it's been in the works for awhile. It's going to be a first attempt at medical tourism as well. Alvin needs to have his ACL repaired, a surgery which cannot be done in Zambia. (Well, at least not with the most recent technology), so we're off for adventure. I hope all goes well so that we have lots of time to poke around the big city. I think I have no idea what I'm getting myself into*grin*.

Next time- tales from India!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a great holiday !