Get it- back logged blogs? Forgive me, I have my father's sense of humour.*wicked smile* I'm hoping to update my blog there MAY be a couple of posts today- if all goes well with computers*fingers crossed*
I had the most horrifying experience on the way to the bus station last Saturday (Dec 23rd). Since I had a 4-day weekend, but had agreed that we would spend Christmas Day with Alvin's family, we decided to sneak out of town for Saturday & return to Lusaka on Christmas Eve. There's a farm about 45km outside of Lusaka that we thought would prove a suitable 'holiday'. We donned our bags and walked to the bus station. Just as we were approaching the station, a RAT shimmied between my legs & over my left foot and bee-lined to the busy road. The rat seemed awfully confused, and was promptly hit by a truck. I was completely shocked, I have NEVER had a rat run ON me before, no less when I'm on the move?!?! In my confusion and horror, I looked down at my foot & found rat blood. Isn't that terrible? We concluded the rat was already injured and in a panic ran over me before meeting it's fate a couple of metres away.
I considered turning around and walking home, as I was convinced this must be a bad omen. I'm happy to admit that the farm was lovely (except for a strange 3-eared donkey). The farm was packed with families & proved to be just the breath of fresh air I needed. Here are a couple shots, just because I was excited about this little adventure! Next blog- Christmas.

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