Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Thanks be...

Where would I be without technologically advanced friends? I kept thinking- how come nobody leaves comments on my blog? Without even asking the question, I got the answer. I've since attempted to alter my comment settings so that any of you can leave me a comment without having to become some bizarr-o blogger yourself!

I hope that means I'll hear from more of you?! So, try again to leave a comment- & if I find one...I guess I fixed the problem? If there are no comments, I'll assume that I am truly unloved & you make up stories about reading my blog!

Technology- you win some & you lose some.

Let me get back to staring at the sky, willing the storm clouds to retreat so that I can run a training session for my boys!! Wish me luck (that's for you Luke)...or perhaps I should bank on my good karma for a sunny afternoon??


luke said...

Woooo! I got a name check, I feel special!! Now all you need to do is update your links on the right hand column to point to my blog...

Anonymous said...

Let's see if this works. I check often on here to read the updates on your life across the world. I love reading of the things that would never happen in Edmonton. Like monkeys on the way to work. Hope you are doing great. Take care Sarah. ~Julie~

Anonymous said...

Hi Sara
Nice. I did try to leave a comment once but gave up. so hurraaay;-)
Love the pictures on your blog. Take care. Best wishes. C

Anonymous said...

K, I'm giving this a go, if it works then Boo Yah to you Supa Star!
I love the blog, keep the updates coming and more pictures.

P.S. Eat More :-)

il duke said...

Holy cow, I was snooping and Aleena I am guessing is Alaina???? And she's telling you to eat? I thought it used to be the other way around. hehe
Later Sush