I have to admit that I was quite nervous to attend Alvin's family gathering in Lusaka West- it was the first introduction to all of Alvin's family at one time. At least I had met most of his family in pieces before...
I quickly forgot any apprehension when I saw the familiar welcoming faces of Alvin's of cousins & siblings. Although these photos look nothing like celebrations back home I have to confess, often times, it felt like home. There was a big meal- everyone was put to work! The biggest difference was that the meat was braai'd (barbecued) & I didnt' get any oven-roasted turkey. (Turkeys were acutally banned this year in Zambia due to the threat of Avian Influenza). I was quick to forget the lack of turkey when the ladies put in the Dolly Parton/ Kenny Rogers Christmas cd. Yup, I grew up on that one mom...& I just had to giggle as the girls were singing all the words while we were peeling potatoes. How could I not feel at home?? Here are a few shots...a couple more to come soon.

Alvin & I on Christmas Eve.

The farm itself (before all the arrivals); the crew as we're just about ready to dig in!
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